Today is: Thursday, October 24, 2024

Finally – A Healthy Gift Idea for the Entire Family!!!

Show your family and friends how much you love them! Mom, Dad,
kids – have fun losing weight together – get in shape for the New Year
with The Fit Kids System™

Recently featured on the Dr. Phil Show, The Fit Kids System™ was developed by Tulane University’s Dr. Gerald Sanders Berenson, M.D., one of the nation’s most well-respected cardiovascular experts with more than 50 years of award-winning research and experience and Salt Lake City businessman Brandon Church. The
Fit Kids System™ is a comprehensive program to teach kids (and the entire
family) how to live a fit and healthy life through nutrition & lifestyle changes.
The program is simple to use and families can begin to implement it
within just one hour of receiving the kit in the mail!

“The holiday season can seem like a five week smorgasbord and, for anyone not interested in bulging waistlines, this holiday obstacle course of high-fat foods,
alcohol, and calories can seem insurmountable,” says Dr. Berenson, “but
with some simple preparation, many of us can make it through the holiday
season, perhaps a few pounds lighter than we were before!”

Dr. Berenson shares his 10 great tips for staying fit through the holidays!

1. Avoid dieting during the holidays.
Set a goal of trying to maintain your present weight. That way, you have a realistic goal. You allow yourself to indulge here and there, but you don't go over the edge.

2. Pace, don't race.
Pay attention to how quickly you eat and exactly what you eat and drink. Savor
the flavor by eating slowly and choosing your food carefully. Live in the
moment and enjoy the present.

3. Remember that alcohol and beverages are packed with calories.
Choose light beer and wine over mixed drinks. A holiday-sized mixed drink can
have as many as 500 calories or more. If you drink these beverages, don’t
forget to add the calories you drink into your daily calorie intake.

4. Offer to bring a favorite low-calorie dish to holiday parties.
This way you know there will be at least one "safe" item available. Stand far
away from buffets so you're not tempted to nibble constantly.
Focus on the people and event rather than the food.

5. Continue to get in regular exercise at least 45minutes each day.
Exercise will help keep extra calories away, but it also can reduce
the stress of social events and family get-togethers.

6. Don't go to a party or event on an empty stomach.
Before going out, snack on protein, like chicken or cottage cheese. Protein satisfies and helps you eat less. Some people have the idea that if they skip lunch, or
don't eat all day, they can eat more later. Skipping meals means you're
hungry, and your chances of overeating later are much higher.

7. Keep an eye on your portion sizes.
In the heat of celebration, portion sizes can be excessive. Instead of eating a large amount of food, try to eat a large variety of foods. Focus on eating vegetables first.

8. Don't let a hectic holiday schedule force you to eat fast food.
Prepare and freeze several quick, healthy meals. That way, you have an option
other than high-fat, fast-food meals. Never leave your house without
baggies of fresh vegetables or a piece of fruit.

9. Use low-calorie and fat-free sauces/dressings.
Pack the table with flavorful vegetable dishes using salsa for dipping or seasonings for flavor. Try making reduced-fat versions of your family's favorite traditional dishes.

10. Make decisions about what you're going to
eat before you are in front of the food.

Weight management is all about moderation and making healthy decisions. Eat
only what you love and so every calorie you eat will be enjoyed. Stop eating
before you are full and don’t allow yourself to get too hungry.

For more information please visit their website at

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